Tuesday, March 21, 2006

A Moment in Turmoil

In July of 1998 my brother Terry Nolan was killed suddenly in a car accident on Blewett Pass. He was 44 years old. Terry was married with two small children.

My family is extremely tight knit and as I am one of four brothers and a sister, needless to say his passing was devastating. Father Sarkies presided over my brother's funeral, which for various reasons was held at Sacred Heart in Bellevue. I drove Father over to Bellevue and in that short 30 minute drive Father Sarkies literally saved my life. He reminded me of God's love for us all and that my brother's passing, while it was absolutely unbearable and unbelievable, was all in God's hands. And that I would need to stand strong within my own faith, for I would come to know my brother again in God's kingdom.

My family and I all owe a great debt to Father Sarkies. He is, and always will be in our thoughts and prayers. His love and spiritual guidance for us has helped to frame the love and caring that now exists within our own family.

God bless you Father Sarkies.

-Kevin Nolan


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